Black cat, blue sea Award!!!πŸ’«

Hello lovely people!😁 Hope you all are doing well, Coz I'm not! Suffering from a viral infection (THE WORST OF ALL!). Anyway, eat well, sleep well and drink lots of water. This season is full of illness. Starting with the award I received, this award is for bloggers who strive to write for everybody, and... Continue Reading →

School nightmare!

Teacher: "The principal wants to see you in her office. (Name):   *Confused*  Principal:  "Good morning! We have your mother this morning, you have to go home right now. (Name) :  " But......" Mother: *Crying* (Name): "Mom, what's wrong, why are you crying? Mother: "Your father had an heart attack this morning, and....(sobs) he is no more.... Continue Reading →

Indian and western fusion

Soon after India got independence, it didn't allow the foreign markets to penetrate in the country. Our then Prime Minister, Mr Jawaharlal Nehru thought its better to use the domestically produced goods. But, India couldn't produce all kinds of goods because of obvious reasons. It was not even near to being 'Developed.' So, finally our... Continue Reading →

3-Day quote challenge: Day #3

Once again, thank you Masoom Jethwa for nominating me!πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜ƒ Rules for this challenge:- 3 quotes in a day. 3 nominees each day, not repetitive. Thank the person who nominated you. Inform the nominees. My theme for the quotes is of Disney characters!❀ (You can have your own theme if you want.😊) "Live every moment as not to... Continue Reading →

3-Day quote challenge Day #2

Thank you so much Masoom Jethwa for nominating me!πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ŠπŸ˜Š Rules for this challenge:- 3 quotes in a day. 3 nominees each day, not repetitive. Thank the person who nominated you. Inform the nominees. The theme for my quotes is of Disney characters!❀ (You can have your own theme if you want.πŸ˜ƒ) "Remember you're the one who can... Continue Reading →

3-Day quote challenge: Day #1

First of all, thanks a lot Masoom Jethwa for nominating me πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜. Your blogs are so simple yet meaningful! I'm looking forward to read your future posts!πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ƒ Rules for this challenge:- 3 quotes in a day. 3 nominees each day, not repetitive. Thank the person who nominated you. Inform the nominees. The theme of my quotes is... Continue Reading →

Real people behind fake identities!

We people often talk about fake and real personalities, there are MANY! In our day to day lives we've experienced this harsh reality. They change their color like Chameleons. There are many examples where we could find them, most common being social media. Whenever you get a follower on Instagram or a friend request on... Continue Reading →

Life after death?

People in almost every other country in this world believe that there is a life after death. Irreseptive of the caste, gender, race or religion, when a person dies she/he goes to heaven or hell. Be it in Hinduism, Christianity, Islam, Sikkhism etc, the belief or the norm is same. There is a place called... Continue Reading →

My Liebster Award #3

2 good news' to share:- #1) I get the privilege yet again for receiving this award! Thank you sooooooo much Fairy Kumar (Di) for nominating me! Your blogs have always inspired me to write something more meaningful. Another talent I came to know about you is that you can sing so well.Your voice is so melodious🎢. Keep up... Continue Reading →

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